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Video Marketing

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is a library. It’s all about the stories you tell and how you tell them.

“Videos can attract a different audience, one that might not want to take the time to read a white paper or an article"

Video marketing today is about much more than simply selling products. Consumers are looking to connect with the brands they buy from and showing that you care about them as more than just walking wallets will help you build a friendlier, more accessible brand. The beauty of video marketing is that it gives you a broader canvas to work on. Instead of focusing on just selling a product, creating a story will give your brand a more defined personality and will help you reach more consumers looking for companies that aren’t forcing products on them.

from our work

Sample Projects


TripleOKLaw LLP

In celebrating the annual customer service week, we created a series of brand videos highlighting the importance of good customer service within the legal industry. Senior stakeholders were engaged to give their guidance on legal service in the industry as well as to showcase the firm as going over and above in their client service.


Mabati Rolling Mills

Dumu Zas is a quality roofing sheet (Mabati) that last four times longer than a zinc galvanised product! Kijani was tasked to create a promotional video that run on projection screens at the Kenya Homes Expo event at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre.

For the best quality iron sheets, look no further than Dumu Zas, a quality product from Mabati Rolling Mills. Mabati inayo dumu kudumu!


Carol Musyoka Consulting

Carol Musyoka Consulting is a leading corporate governance and strategy consultancy. We developed unique promotional videos that showcased their new office premises and created awareness of the consultancy services on digital platforms.


Adara Cosmedics

Adara Cosmetics is a cutting edge cosmetic therapy provider that needed to simplify their messaging for potential consumers at their entry to market stage. By summarising a nd visualising various procedures, we created a set of educational videos that helped consumers understand what to expect.


Nairobi Chapel South

We developed a digital marketing strategy that was tailored to increase the church audience through a digital platform. By increasing reach through social media, we were able to “bring the unchurched to church” through carefully curated content that was designed to drive traffic to the Youtube channel where the church sermons were displayed.

CORPORATE Video Production

Gumbo & associates

Gumbo Associates needed a representation that summarises who they are. Adapting to the quickly involving digital media consumption, we created the video welcoming the world into their offices and meant to be shareable on digital channels.